
Не гунди, Гундяй! Надоел! В отставку! Братьев своих Украинцев рисуешь какими-то чудовищами, все от тебя отворачиваются. Церковь развалил.

By  Michael Novakhov (Mike Nova)   December 26, 2019 Не гунди, Гундяй! Надоел! В отставку!   Братьев своих Украинцев рисуешь какими-то чудовищами, все от тебя отворачиваются. Церковь развалил.  В отставку! И расследуйте все  е го тайные делишки и воровство.  Не собственность надо к рукам прибирать, а вести свой народ к Правде!  Объединитесь со Староверами, прохиндеев всех уберите, оставьте только честных, самоотверженных людей.  Изберите нового Патриарха, пусть он будет из Староверов. Они доказали свою честность и искреннюю веру, пройдя через 300 лет испытаний.  Начинаются везде новые и большие перемены.  Вы все сейчас нужны своему народу; как пастыри, а не как пастухи, угодничающие перед властями за пару копеек. M.N.  1:43 PM 12/26/2019 - Post Link   ----------------------------------------------------------   Audio News: |  VOA Newscasts  |  NPR News Now  |   NPR News Now On RSS Dog  |  Michael Novakhov – SharedNewsLinks℠ – In Brief  |  Trump Investigatio

RUSSIA and THE WEST - РОССИЯ и ЗАПАД: A plague on both your houses!!! Та же самая Гебешн...

RUSSIA and THE WEST - РОССИЯ и ЗАПАД: A plague on both your houses!!! Та же самая Гебешн... : A plague on both your houses!!!   Та же самая Гебешная Ново-Абверовская Жидовня: И на Украине, под лыбящейся маской их зелёного Зеленског...

The New Abwehr's and German hands are almost evident in both the Flynn Affair, with its Turkish underpinnings, and in the Ukrainian Affair.

The New Abwehr's and German hands are almost evident in both the Flynn Affair, with its Turkish - European underpinnings, and in the Ukrainian Affair ("Ukraine Is Not For Yankees"), with its historical-political  background.  The similar branches radiate from Berlin along the circle of vectors, from Finland, through Russia - Former USSR on the East, to Canada on the West; and with Israel in the comfy South.  Berlin is The Nexus from which these vectors originate.  The New Abwehr rules the World. Und how are we supposed to feel about ZIZ?!  10:04 AM 11/18/2019 - Post Link ________________________

"Bad German" Trump is almost out, "Good Jew" Bloomberg is almost in. Bravo, New Abwehr! - Michael Novakhov

Michael Novakhov @mikenov · 1m "Bad German" Trump is almost out, "Good Jew" Bloomberg is almost in. Bravo, New Abwehr! - Michael Novakhov - Google Search https:// erman+Trump+is+almost+out%2C+Good+Jew+Bloomberg+is+almost+in.+Bravo%2C+New+Abwehr%21+-+Michael+Novakhov&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS733US733&oq=Bad+German+Trump+is+almost+out%2C+Good+Jew+Bloomberg+is+almost+in.+Bravo%2C+New+Abwehr%21+-+Michael+Novakhov&aqs=chrome..69i57.76244j1j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8 ____________________________________________________________

To The Sultans Of Trumpistan: The Enslavement of The Kurds - NO! Kurdistan - YES!

Twitter Matt Wuerker on Twitter: "Trumpistan, our laws don't apply ... Images may be subject to copyright.   Learn More Related images ______________________________________________________________ The Big Mahas Of Trumpistan :   Trumpistan - NO! Kurdistan - YES! Trump, Putin, Erdogan, Merkel, Kurds: The Three Sultans, a Little Cinderella, And The Enslavement of The Kurds - 8:23 AM 11/14/2019 Trumpistan - NO! Kurdistan - YES! The Three Sultans, a Little Cinderella, and the enslavement of Kurds The Three Sultans, a Little Cinderella, and the enslavement of Kurds - By Michael Novakhov : The Big Mahas of Trumpistan decide the fates of the Peoples and the Nationalities.  Who gave you these rights, you, "The Big Mahas"?  Trumpistan - NO! Kurdistan - YES! Trump, Putin, Erdogan, Merkel, Kurds - GS A Live Fact Check of  Donald Trump's  White House Meeting With Turkey's Recep Tayyip  Erdogan Newsweek Claim: Whil

Get those chopsticks out of her foxy commy mouth! - 8:34 PM 11/11/2019

I removed this tweet but my pidgin opinion remains the same: "Get those chopsticks out of her foxy commy mouth!" - 8:34 PM 11/11/2019 _________________________________ Remove Tweet. Tweet 1 of 1 Michael Novakhov @mikenov Donald @realDonaldTrump, please tell your castrated syphilitic bitch XI-SHE, whatever her name is, to get those chopsticks out of her foxy commy mouth, and to stick them back into his little spy-whore Wi's shitty little hemorroid ass, so that #InMotionHosting reconnects my sites. Aug 26, 2019, 3:42 PM By clicking the above button, you are removing the content of your Tweet and forgoing the option to appeal this violation. Please note that the original content will be replaced with a notice stating your Tweet is no longer available because it violated the Twitter Rules. This notice will be accessible via direct URL and from your profile timeline for 14 days.  Learn more . If you think we'