
3:45 PM 4/4/2022 - The issue of Stasi-#KGB-#NewAbwehr' agent Putin's & the Russian Military's possible & likely War Crimes in Russian-Ukraine War of 2022 evokes the Nuremberg Process Dilemma

 3:45 PM 4/4/2022 The issue of Stasi-#KGB-#NewAbwehr' agent Putin's & the Russian Military's possible & likely War Crimes in Russian-Ukraine War of 2022 evokes the Nuremberg Process Dilemma  & therefore its conceptual, "philosophical" preoccupation by the New Abwehr. Regardless of this hypothetical Intelligence Work Operational Authorship, it needs to be investigated first, & it will be.   Putin #Putin does not have enough #MIGHT, good generals, and the #KNOWHOW to make it look #RIGHT, therefore he is very, very #WRONG, and he should be hanged from his Kremlin minaretes ASAP! He already is half-#KremlinGremlin, now he will be completo und fried to perfection. I already sense the sweet smell of insurrection on the Red Square by 1.6.23.  Tweets  by  ‎@mikenov  Michael Novakhov Retweeted DW на русском ✔ @dw_russian Президент Польши Анджей Дуда о массовых убийствах мирных жителей в Буче 8 h    Michael Novakhov Retweeted Daily Mail Online ✔ @MailOnlin